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es Spain
es Spain
dz Algeria
ad Andorra
ar Argentina
ac Ascension Island
au Australia
at Austria
be Belgium
bo Bolivia
br Brazil
io British Indian Ocean Territory
bg Bulgaria
cad Canada
cl Chile
co Colombia
cr Costa Rica
hr Croatia
cy Cyprus
cz Czechia
dk Denmark
dj Djibouti
do Dominican Republic
ec Ecuador
eg Egypt
sv El Salvador
ee Estonia
fk Falkland Islands
fi Finland
fr France
gf French Guiana
tf French Southern Territories
de Germany
gi Gibraltar
gr Greece
gl Greenland
gt Guatemala
gg Guernsey
gy Guyana
hn Honduras
hk Hong Kong SAR
hu Hungary
is Iceland
in India
id Indonesia
ie Ireland
il Israel
it Italy
jm Jamaica
kw Kuwait
lv Latvia
ly Libya
li Liechtenstein
lt Lithuania
lu Luxembourg
mo Macao SAR
mt Malta
mx Mexico
mc Monaco
ma Morocco
nl Netherlands
nz New Zealand
ni Nicaragua
ne Niger
no Norway
pa Panama
py Paraguay
pe Peru
ph Philippines
pl Poland
pt Portugal
ro Romania
sm San Marino
sg Singapore
sk Slovakia
si Slovenia
gs South Georgia South Sandwich Islands
kr South Korea
pm St Pierre Miquelon
sd Sudan
sr Suriname
sj Svalbard Jan Mayen
se Sweden
ch Switzerland
tw Taiwan
th Thailand
ta Tristan da Cunha
tn Tunisia
ae United Arab Emirates
gb United Kingdom
us United States
uy Uruguay
va Vatican City
ve Venezuela
eh Western Sahara
us English